Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why choose mmobud over all the other review sites?

Hello guys,
MMObud is in the construction phase and within the next couple of weeks will have all of its major content added to the website. Since i am in the development stage i would like users to keep in contact by following me on Twitter. After you do so, please check in every once and a while to see how the dev stage is going. I plan on doing many things different than all mmo and mmorpg websites. For one, i will have more interactivity for my users and more to do on the website. My information will be more critical because no game is perfect or close to it, so there’s no need to fluff it up.

MMObud will have a awsome point system to allow users to buy dog avatars of their breed choice and name their avatar. Gamers who register can join the forums to talk about game related subjects such as mechanics while earning website points. MMO and mmorpg websites normally have a full review section that is full of words and pictures but doesn't really hit the bull’s eye on what the game is really like. MMObud will replace that section with a "What to expect" review. The review will place all the negatives and positives of the game and briefly explain each pro or con from a gamers perspective.

Also MMObud will make finding your next mmo or mmorpg a much easier task than imaginable. Most games require a lot of time to invest into your account or character, although other games you log in and get straight to business. Not all games are recommended for a husband or a wife with a full time job, some games just require too much time and investment. That is why mmobud exposes what other mmo and mmorpg review websites don't we provide all the information you seek. We don't just provide you with screenshots and 15 minute long videos; We actually give you information based on current players of that specific game.

Most mmo and mmorpg review websites only focus on free games which are great, who doesn't enjoy playing a game for free. Although don't forget most free games are heavily cash shop oriented and players who invest a lot of time into their characters are willing to go the extra mile and spend a couple bucks. MMObud keeps this in mind, we want to review all games whether it is pay to play or free either way the game makes money off its players in the end that’s the ugly truth. And that is what MMObud is about, exposing the ugly truth that other mmo and mmorpg review websites seem to miss.

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